Storm in a teacup: Guangzhou Wanglaoji Grand Health Co, Ltd v Multi Access Ltd
In a recent case before the Federal Court, Guangzhou Wanglaoji Grand Health Co. appealed seven decisions by the Registrar of Trademarks to...Read More
Persistent procrastination proves pricey as the Federal Court strikes EverForce’s software piracy defence
Ansys sued Everforce Energy Ltd. and its president, Raad William Barnet, in April 2022 for unauthorized use of copyright-protected software. The defendants...Read More
Edmonton property sale washes away patent rights
An interesting question arose in a recent case before the Alberta King’s Bench Court: Can a patent holder prevent the sale of...Read More
A Wanakome divided: Wanakome v Martin
Overview In a recent trademark and copyright case, Wanakome Inc. filed suit against Eric and Kara Martin and their company, Park Enterprises Worldwide Inc., under subsections 7(b), (c) and...Read More
Battery battle: Duracell’s good faith sparks win over legal costs
Energizer and Gillette (Duracell) could not settle on costs following a decision of the Federal Court. Although Energizer was awarded an injunction...Read More
Federal Court refuses Adeia’s pleadings amendment
The Federal Court refused a motion to amend a pleading in a patent infringement action by Adeia (formerly Rovi) for the operation...Read More
Federal Court resurrects trademark registration for Red Maple Manufacturing
Red Maple Manufacturing Inc. (RMM) successfully appealed a decision of the Trademarks Opposition Board, which amended its trademark registration to delete the...Read More
Preventous’ fishing expedition (v Canada): Hook, line, and sinker-but no catch
The Federal Court dismissed a Federal Courts Rule 51 appeal by Preventous Collaborative Health, which sought the production of documents from Health...Read More
Every cat has its Filadae: Panthera motorsports takes on Jaguar Land Rover and wins!
Branding is a serious business in the automotive industry. Companies go to great lengths to protect their trademarks, sometimes leading to disputes....Read More
They have the power: Canadian Energy Services v Commissioner of Patents
In a recent decision, the Federal Court upheld the Commissioner of Patents’ decision to vary the Patent Office records and name Mr....Read More
Patent rules and regulations amended to align with CUSMA
The proposed amendments to the Canadian Patent Rules attempt to align them with the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement. The revisions primarily focus on implementing patent term adjustments to create remedies...Read More
An untimely discovery: A case study of Meridian Manufacturing Inc v Concept Industries Ltd
Discovery facilitates the exchange of crucial information necessary to build a case and ensure a fair resolution. In patent infringement disputes, parties...Read More