Federal Court denies amendments to copyright claim
In this copyright infringement action, GE Renewable Energy Canada Inc. (GEREC) sought to make further amendments to its Amended Statement of Claim....Read More
Patent rules and regulations amended to align with CUSMA
The proposed amendments to the Canadian Patent Rules attempt to align them with the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement. The revisions primarily focus on implementing patent term adjustments to create remedies...Read More
Apotex receives divided success on its motion to amend on the eve of trial
With only a few days remaining before trial, Apotex brought a motion to amend its Further Amended Statement of Defence to include...Read More
One-sided assessment of prejudice undermines decision regarding amendment of trademark Statement of Opposition
In Anheuser Busch LLC v H.O.W. Medical Solutions Ltd., 2022 FC 842, Justice Walker set aside a decision by the Trademarks Opposition...Read More
Putting Your (Other) Best Foot Forward: Party May Introduce New Evidence or Argument in Subsequent Infringement Action
On September 19, 2016, Prothonotary Tabib granted, in part, Apotex’ motion to amend its statement of defence and counterclaim in an infringement...Read More
Absent Special Circumstances, Interlocutory Trademark Decision Not Subject To Judicial Review
McDowell applied for judicial review of an interlocutory decision of the Trade-Marks Opposition Board that had refused to grant McDowell leave to...Read More