Can a party make invalidity arguments against dropped claims?
In NCS Multistage Inc. v Kobold Corporation, 2023 FC 1486 Justice McVeigh determined whether NCS could raise invalidity arguments against non-asserted claims...Read More
Akebia’s “Zombie Motion” is Put to Rest
In FibroGen, Inc. v. Akebia Therapeutics, Inc., Justice Rennie allowed FibroGen’s appeal from an order requiring that FibroGen file certain fact witness...Read More
Save It For The Action: Filgrastim Appeal Dismissed As Moot
In Amgen v Apotex, the Federal Court of Appeal dismissed Amgen’s appeal of the Federal Court decision that dismissed Amgen’s application for...Read More
An Appeal is Mooted after Contested Trade-mark Application is Withdrawn
Engineers Canada, a national federation of provincial and territorial associations of professional engineers had its appeal of a decision of the Trade-marks...Read More
Withdrawal of ALIMTA NOA renders prohibition application moot
On January 14, 2013, Justice Barnes of the Federal Court of Canada issued his Reasons for Judgment in respect of a prohibition...Read More
ACCUPRIL impeachment action allowed to continue notwithstanding patent expiry
In 2003, Pfizer commenced a prohibition application under the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations in respect of Canadian Patent Nos. 1,341,...Read More